I am literally way too free. And I really need to occupy myself! =\
When I had to go for classes and stuffs, I wished for lots of free time. Now that I have all the time in the world, I'm wondering what I can do with it. So, yeah. That is probably my main motive to blog. At least I have something to do until I go back home :)
The weather in Melbourne is really really really.......cold. Being a Malaysian, I was really happy when I first touched down here and felt the nice cold air (It was a dream come true..). BUT! When winter arrived and the coldness (2 degrees is the current record so far) hits you, you just wanna wrap yourself up. Well, that's the best time to enjoy hot chocolate!
Anyywaayss! So. In order to keep myself entertained, I went on a random movie-borrowing spree. I gotta admit, I have been watching the weirdest movies ever. Movies that I would not consider watching if I had the choice but turned out not so bad after all.
Okay, not all the movies that I borrowed were that bad. But since it is the library (and with limited choices available) I settled with what they had~ Plus, most of the recent movies are all in Blu-Ray! And I don't have a Blu-Ray player! Which means, I can only settle for the DVD movies...........far more limited choices x.x
I would normally zone out if the movies were slow and boring. But well, so far so good, I watched the whole thing! *yay!*
To date, I have borrowed/watched:
1) Bridesmaids

This movie was one of the modern choices that were made available in DVD. I'm sure most of you have watched it. Classic chick-flick with drama (albeit, it didn't go the extent of 'I WANT TO KILL THAT BITCH'....thank god.)
2) Her Mother's Profession/The Woman in the Rumour/Uwasa no Onna

Ok. This is one example of the weirdest movies I've watched. This 1954 black and white Japanese movie depicts the tale of a widowed mother who runs a geisha business in Kyoto. Her daughter apparently tried to commit suicide due to a failed love (because her lover found out that her mother was the head of a geisha house and decided to leave her) and was brought to Kyoto from Tokyo by her mother. So the mom called a doctor (whom she was really close with) to check on her daughter. The daughter fell in love with the doctor and apparently the mom was in love with the doctor too... Just thinking about it is making my mind whirl. Imagine being in love with a guy whom your mom is also in love with x.x
3) Wasted on the Young

This teen-thriller concept movie is set in a elite high-school where the super-rich popular kids are snobs and the more quiet, geeky kids are, as always, the victims. One word for this movie: Twisted.
4) Never Let Me Go

This is one twisted movie as well. The movie revolves around 3 friends, who were brought up in a "boarding school" which served as a home to the engineered human clones. The clones are 100% human-like, but their goal in life is to be donors. As in, vital organ donors. As young children, they were isolated from the rest of the world, growing up as like their normal human counterparts. Upon reaching legal age, they will then be given notices calling them to donate. Most of them "complete" after their first or second donation. Some will manage to survive to their fourth. But as with humans, when your vital organs are taken out of you, how can you continue to survive right? Twisted or not?
Alright, the movies aren't THAT bad. Just don't watch them when you're feeling down/alone/when the sky is so grey that it is depressing.
Time to find better things to do.