Lunch at Sushi Tei

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Sorry for the hugeeeeeee lack of update. A lot of stuffs happened (both good and bad) but I am back home for good! Weeeeee!

I gotta admit, I really miss Melbourne though.  I do plan to go back there again should a chance present itself (I WILL MAKE SURE THAT I RETURN THERE HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!)

Today's post will be about my favourite food: SUSHI! 

A few days back, I went out with the boyf for lunch :) We decided to go to Tropicana City Mall ever since we passed by the place a week ago. I am not the kind of person that goes around exploring on my own and will only do so with a company. Who likes going to places you've never been to alone right?

We reached the mall around 2 p.m and both of us were starving T.T 
The tricky question we face every single day is: "What shall we eat for lunch?" 
And the most common dreaded answer would be: "Anything." ...............-.-

So, we decided to walk around until we find a nice place that we can both settle for. For that day, the winner was "SUSHI TEI"



Sushi Tei takes the form of a Sushi Kaiten/Sushi Train with an open-kitchen concept restaurant. You have a choice of the counter-seats or the table seats. Naturally, we chose the counter-seats as we felt that table seats just defies the purpose of going to a sushi kaiten restaurant. Lol.

Plus! Counter-seats allow you to peek at how the chefs prepare the sushi!


The counter where they stock the fresh ingredients

The chef preparing the orders from customers

The first thing that the boyf attacked was the Fried Salmon Skin and for someone who does not fancy Salmon, the dish was a complete pass for him! HAHA! 
It was a little salty but the crispiness and crunchiness of the fried salmon skin made it too good to be passed on.

The boyf also ordered Croquette and a Chicken Katsu lunch set.

Chicken Katsu Ni to Salmon Sashimi Teishoku (I stole the Salmon Sashimi >:D)

Look at the egg. And the oversized onions. *Salivates*

I wasn't up for any lunch set so I stuck to whatever they offered on the sushi-train. Initially, I wanted to be bold and try all the different sushi they had BUT I FAILED TO DO SO BECAUSE OF A COUPLE OF REALLY AWESOME SUSHI. I could not help but to keep on taking the same dish over and over again!!

Introducing the sushi that CONQUERED my taste buds: 


Oooooooooh. sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. GOOD! Yummylicious! 

Previously, we would head to Sushi Zanmai to eat mentai related sushi. However, after patronizing Sushi Zanmai 2 weeks back, we were hugely disappointed. Portions were tiny and the main stars (Salmon Mentai Sushi and Tamago Mentai Sushi) were just..............uberly sad. 

Anyways, I was really excited when I saw the Tamago Mentai and Inari Kani Mentai at Sushi Tei. Not only was the serving size good, they were very generous with the mentai as well. 

Mentai (or rather Mentaiko) refers to the marinated roe of the Pollock fish. 

Everyone should try these sushi! Mentai makes just about everything taste really good! The texture is creamy and it tastes sweet and salty! Be warned, it is really addictive! Haha!

Overall, Sushi Tei is a really nice place to dine with family and friends (or even alone if you're craving for good mentai sushi but no one is willing to accompany you lol). The pricing of the dishes are mid-range, so you're looking at an average of  RM 20-40 depending on what you order. Their lunch sets are really affordable (Ranging from RM 17.80 to RM 36.80). For those who are wondering, the Chicken Katsu set above was RM 17.80!

The prices of the sushi are based on the plate's colour. Here is the list:

White Plates: RM 1.80
Blue Plates: RM 3.40
Pink Plates: RM 4.50
Green Plates: RM 5.80
Yellow Plates: RM 6.80
Purple Plates: RM 8.80

Both of us had Ice Green Tea which goes for RM 2.00 per glass (refillable). I drank so much I was bloated with Green Tea @.@

I would definitely go back to Sushi Tei solely for the Mentai Sushi! Huahahahhaha!

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