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With all the hype that is going around, who wouldn't want to be part of it?

I have been harping on getting a new phone for as long as I can remember. Initially, I was all geared up and excited about the new iPhone 5 before it even came out last year. (Sorta "promised" myself that I would get the iPhone 5 because it would be the late Steve Job's last project that he worked on). And I really wanted an iPhone because is an

BUT, when it was launched and seeing it for the first time and feeeeeling the whole body and stuffs, I was a bit disappointed. What with the elongated screen and etc, nothing much changed. Yes. I was half expecting a good change from the previous iPhone models (rumours!)

ANYWAYS, I shall not rant so much more on the iPhone. Just wasn't too into it I suppose. 

When Samsung announced its flagship Galaxy s3, I started paying more attention to Samsung. 

I am currently using Samsung's Galaxy Ace, which is not exactly the best phone out there. But I can't complain  so much as it is a low-end smartphone. My previous phone lost its life to my hair lotion that decided to vomit its contents in my bag.

I have to admit I was rather annoyed with Samsung for so many flaws the Galaxy Ace has. However, Galaxy S3 completely changed my mind! 

And so here we are, after almost a year since the birth of the S3, its successor, the S4, will be out in roughly a  weeks time! 

Look at em sexy thangs!

The basic specs of the S4 are:

Display: 5 inch Full HD Super AMOLED.
Processor: Exynos 5 Octa (Non LTE) / Qualcomm Snapdragon 600 (LTE)
OS: Android 4.2.2 (Android Jelly Bean)
Camera: 13MP (Primary) 2MP (Secondary) - ALL THE CLEAR PICTURES! Don't need a camera already!
RAM: 2GB - More multitasking!
Memory: 16GB (Internal) and up to 64GB (MircoSD)

The specs looks good so far and I am super looking forward to the dual camera function that the S4 has! Can't wait to play around with the camera! It will be so far off as compared to my Ace's 5MP camera.

DiGi is opening their pre-orders today (20 April 2013) and Samsung Mobile Malaysia has announced that there will be a "welcoming" event for the Galaxy S4 here.

Super excited! I hope the pricing will be just right and that it will be love at first sight when I attend the event later *-*

Mini Update: DiGi has updated their page allowing for pre-orders but their online store is currently down =\ (BUT WHOOPDEEDOO! RM 2,199! Okay lah I guess. Expected for a new phone. Haha)

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