Breakfast with Braces

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It has been nearly a month of having my braces on. So far, my teeth still looks pretty much the same to me (dear teeth, please move.) and...

My Quest for a Perfect Smile

On the 28th of March 2015, I became a metal mouth convert. I kinda regretted that impulsive decision I made in the first few days. But...
Back From the Land Where Sleeping Blogs Lay

Back From the Land Where Sleeping Blogs Lay

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With a wave of my hands and fingers dancing across the keys of my laptop, I hereby resurrect this Blog (with huge procrastinated efforts). ...


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YES! IT IS FINALLY MAKING ITS GRAND APPEARANCE REAL SOON! With all the hype that is going around, who wouldn't want to be part of it? ...

Lunch at Sushi Tei

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Sorry for the hugeeeeeee lack of update. A lot of stuffs happened (both good and bad) but I am back home for good! Weeeeee! I gotta admi...
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