Lee Chong Wei. The Greatest Malaysian ever.

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I felt the sudden urge to just blog about this before I head off to sleep. 

Having no Sports channel subscriptions meant I did not have the opportunity to watch the London Olympics. Nevertheless, I followed some news here and there. News from my mom, news from Facebook, news from my friends. 

Being the kind of person that doesn't really watch the Olympics (I only watch certain matches/events), I was only particularly interested in the matches played by Dato Lee Chong Wei this time round.

I wasn't able to watch the quarter-finals nor the semi-finals that he played at. But after getting news of him passing the semi-finals and was heading towards the finals, I knew that I had to watch the match one way or another.

So yeah, I searched up and down for a good site to stream. And it was so annoying cause it either buffered a lot or had stupid advertisements appear every now and then. But nevertheless, I am grateful cause I had the chance to watch him play.

When the first round ended, I was ecstatic! LCW was leading! Come second round, he lost it to his opponent (and yeah, Lin Dan was his opponent, but I refuse to mention his name here on out and shall dub him as "LCW's opponent" =\)

Entering the third round, my heart was BEATING SO FAST! It was such an intense game, I felt so stressed! Lol! 

Overall, the game was very well played. Even though Malaysia ended up with the Silver medal again, we still won a medal. Without the efforts that Dato Lee Chong Wei had put in, I hardly ever think that Malaysia could even dream of owning or even SMELLING a medal.

I'm not saying that the other players are bad. But we all know that LCW was our brightest hope. And for that reason, I am sure that LCW felt really pressured on ending Malaysia's gold medal drought. 

We should be proud that he managed to get that far. We should be proud that he managed to secure a SILVER medal. The only medal held by Malaysia thus far!

I felt really sad when pictures of him crying appeared because he felt responsible for not being able to secure that gold so many of us expected.

It is now 2.40 a.m and I am really sleepy. So before I sleep, I just want to say this:

Dear Dato Lee Chong Wei, 

You have done a really great job. Being able to reach the final stage in the Olympics is already a great feat! It was truly an intense match and you had to go through so much just to play it out to make your country proud.

For all that it's worth. I am extremely sure that the many Malaysians who have supported you throughout your matches are and will always be extremely proud of you.

Congratulations on winning! And Thank You for bringing home that silver medal you so very much deserve.

Your attitude itself has won you the gold that no gold medal can match.

Cheer up! You are the greatest athlete ever :)

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