Meeting Michelle Phan!

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Weeeeeeeeeeeee! I MET MICHELLE PHAN! AND SHOOK HANDS WITH HER! *hyperventilates* *breathes breathes!* OK!
A little delayed on posting this but okay lah. Finally got time to post it...

Backtrack 3 days back (3 August 2012), it was the day of Michelle Phan's Masterclass in Melbourne! *claps*
I was supposed to reach Myers at about 5 p.m (kiasu max) but ended up reaching there around 5.45 p.m cause I had to run around and do a lot of things beforehand.

By the time I reached, there were two really long lines...And we had to register ourselves to get our vouchers and stuffs.

The registration was divided into 3 groups, following the alphabetical order, so like A-I, J-R, S-Z.

I didn't like the person who was in charge of my name group..............CAUSE SHE REFUSED TO GIVE ME A PURPLE WRISTBAND!

Each person who attended that day will receive a 50 dollar voucher to be used on any of the Lancome products and a purple wristband that allows you to get CHAMPAGNE! THEY WERE SERVING CHAMPAGNE! And she didn't give me a wristband @&*#%&$^! Oh well.

We had to provide our IDs to notify them that we are above 18, thus, we can drink. And shit. I am already over 18! I tried proving to her with my IC and stuffs but no. She said something about "That's not a legal Australian identity". So they wanted my passport. Like I would bring my passport every single place I go...:(

Ok fine, I was like, "It's just champagne, sure got another chance to drink". Hopeful! XD

Then right, I suddenly saw a Malaysian (cause she was holding her IC) AND SHE HAD THE WRISTBAND. I was like WTFFFFFFXXX!! When I asked her about it, she told me that she all she did was provide her IC and taught them how to identify the birthdate. W.....t......f.....................*facepalm* Apparently, the person handling her name group was much nicer.......

Nvmla, still get to see Michelle Phan, that was all that mattered lol!

When we entered the hall entrance, it was so posh! I didn't get to snap much. They were serving champagne *coughs* and some mini food. It's like a pre-event thing.

I only managed to snap this cause that was the only thing I managed to get...

It is beef fillet with chestnut, sitting upon mashed potatoes and some veggies. IT....WAS.....SO......YUMMY! My mouth is watering just thinking back lol.

After omnomnoming, we finally entered the hall to be seated :))

The amount of people

Really nice stage. The three chairs were for the models and their make-up artists to demonstrate the different sorts of make-up combinations.

One of Michelle Phan's videos being shown on screen!

Annd not long after, Michelle appeared! Yay!

She's so pretty!

She was talking about how to never give up on your dreams! *nods nods*

Talking about using bright colours as make-up (I wanna try!)

The three models and their make-up artists with Michelle telling us about the different make-up styles

I realised that Michelle looks good with just about any colour. She can really pull off the really vibrant colour look.

Michelle was on stage for about 15-20 minutes? After that, they announced that we all have an opportunity to take a picture with her! So what did we do?

RUUUUUUUUUNNN!! LOLOL! All kiasu-ness! Luckily I was sitting at the middle row, so I could run out faster! HAHAHA!

Seeeee! The long queue just to take pictures with Michelle Phan!

After the photo session, we were told that we can go try out the different cosmetics they had on display.

The one product that totally caught my attention was this:

Yes, Emma Watson, and HER SUPER RED LIPS!! OH EM GEE! So very pretty! That is the promotional poster for Lancome's new lipstick line "Rouge in Love"- The 6 hour long wear lipstick.

Look at all the pretty colours!! How can I not be attracted you tell me!!

I tried it on, and omg, the texture is so smooth! It glides on your lips so smoothly like butter! And yeah, true to it's word, it is really featherlight! I am not really a fan of lipsticks as I don't like the way it makes my lip dry and prone to chapping. But the Rouge in Love feels so different! GO BUY! I'm planning to buy one! Lol.

And with the event, Myers launched Michelle Phan's Glamour Eyes Set (AUD 89)

As well as three other sets (AUD 69 each):

My 50 dollars voucher!

Well I didn't buy any of those sets as I already have mascaras, eyeliners and eyeshadows already.

So instead, I bought this!

Make-up Primer! I have always heard rave reviews about this primer. And since I have my 50 dollar voucher......time to invest! :D

A make-up primer is used to smoothen out one's skin so when applying foundation and stuffs, it will appear smoother and not as bumpy (especially for those with uneven skin due to all the blemishes...)
Plus! It helps your make-up last longer! Nice right! A small amount goes a long way!

So, Thank you Myers for the amazing opportunity! I can now say, I met Michelle Phan before! XD

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